Here is where my love of flowers, metal, and jewelry come together.
So why spoon jewelry? Because I love the durability of metal and the beauty of flowers. Antique silverware brings those two together. Then I discovered repurposing silverware into another one of my loves, jewelry!
I exhibited at my first craft fair in March of 1993 at a local high school, then spent the next 20 years traveling throughout the midwest. I opened on eBay and Etsy in 2012 by listing two Little Red Riding Hood Spoon rings made from 100 year old spoons. They both sold immediately. I still sell on both sites today since most people find me that way initially.
That brings me to 2020 and opening my first stand alone web site. I like the idea of being in control of my selling costs and passing the savings on to people who appreciate spoon jewelry.
I am the true definition of handmade. All items are designed and created completely with my hands. The handmade category by definition limits how much can be produced; making it special.
I aim for you to have a smooth transaction by sending the exact item purchased, on time, and with great care. I want you to have a great experience when opening a package from DzinesLaura.
All of my packaging is reusable and/or recyclable. Nothing is thrown away, the cut off spoon bowls and knives are resold to other makers who create their art with those pieces.